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UNP Body texture request


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I would like to request a small edit to the basic UNP body texture, to add handprints as paint/warpaint/tattoo over the breasts (effectively " hiding them" like a bra might, but still showing the full breast/nipple).


Specifics up to modder obviously, but prefer forsworn warpaint colours (browns and blood like colours and tones). Can be semi-transparent too, doesn't bother me really. Only requirements are (of course) UNP and handprint shapes over the breasts (or even partial handprints, just imagine about how much attention to detail forsworn actually have, they go running around half naked and in furs with dirt all over etc.)


Please can some nice modder help a guy out? Trying for an immersion mod that might even end up on the Nexus as a fully implemented mod.

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