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CTD ragged flagon, not cistern


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I'm getting constant CTD when trying to enter the ragged flagon, I've tried waiting over 30 days in game and tried manual cell reset by resetinterior RiftenRaggedFlagon and pcb(dk if that still works) and i've tried entering from the ratway and the cemetery both ctd i went back and reloaded the earliest save I have but its only from like an hour before my last save. All i've done is updated mods but they were just texture updates and i cleaned my mods with tes5edit so im thinking maybe it was the cleaning that did it. i noticed i also crash trying to enter the temple of kynareth in whiterun. I have no idea and I dont really want to start a new game :/ I've checked my load order and its all the same as it was before.



EDIT: I got it to work, I waited 3 months in game :/ i tried waiting 1 month(ctd) 2month(ctd) 3month im in biz now

Edited by fancyleggs
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