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Crossbow Animation Replacer?


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I just got Dawnguard recently, and for some reason the animation associated with the crossbows is broken. Anyone holding a crossbow gets stuck floating around in figure zero and can't fire it. This applies to NPCs and myself, if I'm in third person. If I'm in first person, everything works just fine until I trigger a killcam move, in which case I just stand there in slow-motion for several seconds due to the aforementioned problems. If I just had some sort of animation replacer, even if it was just the original file, it would probably work fine.


I don't have any mods that change weapon animations, or any animation mods besides Catwalk Fix. The only mods I have that affect crossbows in any way are SkyRe and Unofficial Dawnguard Patch. I've run BOSS and it didn't help. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. And I'm sorry if this isn't the right place for this topic. It seemed the most appropriate place to ask.

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