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Weird glossy textures on NPCs and character


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I've looked around online but most fixes are for landscape textures. I've tried deleting some _sk.dds files from a suggestion on the nexus forms but to no avail. I'm not really sure what would be causing this because I don't have any gloss mods like Wetfunction or Demoniac. I looked at something to do with alpha channels and Specular Maps and how making those completely black could fix it but this was all mainly to do with landscape texures. Somebody suggested I take a look at diffuse maps but I thought those wouldn't affect character skin gloss.

I'm on SSE with quite a few mods. At one point I was running Wetfunction Redux but I removed that a while ago and Wetfunction only changed skin and did not make armor and clothes appear with a gloss to them. This is the first time I've asked for help. If anybody could give help or suggestions I'd be grateful. Image: https://i.imgur.com/hZxhNav.jpg

I've noticed that this is also happening with arrow quivers and some not all interior textures like some stone walls and tables. I noticed the interior textures when in the Hall of Valor and Breezehome.

System Specs:

Processor Intel® Core i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz

Video Card EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

RAM 16 GB DDR3 2133MHz

OS Windows 10


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