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Ancient Morag Tong armor and Weatherward Circlet


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When Dragonborn finally comes out for PC, could someone create an Ancient Morag Tong armor? Basically the normal one, but with enchantments similar to the Morag Tong armor found in the Unearthing Mehrunes Razor DLC from Oblivion

Helmet: Fortify Archery and Sneak 20 each

Armor: Resist Magic 25% Fortify Carry Weight 100

Gauntlets: Fortify Lockpicking 15% Backstab

Boots: Pickpocket 25% Muffle 1

Put it on the Morag Tong leader at the end of the related quest.

Also, to celebrate The Hobbit being released, could someone port this ring: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Weatherward_Circlet from Oblivion into Skyrim? Obviously, enchant it with Resist Frost and Fire 35% each.

Edited by MidbossVyers
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