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Killing Umbra with imaginary arrows


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I don't train in weapon skills but level up through practice. Having maximised two melee weapons I turned my attention to Marksman (at about level 30 at present). My first serious fight was against Umbra and since my ability to hit is not so great, I armed myself with quite a few arrows. I had wasting spark equipped and 50 poison arrows in inventory.


I ran out of wasting spark and went to equip the poisoned arrows. I was surprised to discover 24 wasting spark arrows in the inventory too. I assumed had picked them up in a hurry somewhere and not registered the fact. I equipped them and used six to finish the guy off. I then proceeded with the next quest 'bandits in Suran' without using arrows. After that when I went to save I got the error message something like 'wornlistwastingspark not found'. When I clicked on the inventory there were no wasting spark arrows. I equipped the poison arrows and the error message was not repeated.


Therefore I killed Umbra with arrows that did not exist! How can this be?

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This is either due to save game corruption, or corruption in the current install

of Morrowind.To better understand the problem send the save game to bethesda




- In Morrowind, make a saved game where the problem is happening. If it is with

an NPC, please make sure the character is near the NPC (at least in the same

town). If it is with an item, please have the item on the character. If

possible, name the saved game ForTechSupport.

- Once saved, exit Morrowind.

- Click Start, the Run, and type in "C:\Program Files\Bethesda

Softworks\Morrowind\Saves" (including the quotes), then click the OK button.

- Find the save game that is to be sent to us.

- Open this email and click the reply button.

- Attach the save game and send it to them

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