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CK Navmesh issue


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If you're doing exterior navmeshing, it's possible that you're trying to draw triangles across cell borders (ie 1 or 2 vertices are in one cell, the other is in another cell). That's really the only thing I can think of.


Also, first dropping 3 vertices, then selecting them, then pressing A is a horribly inefficient way of making a navmesh, it's much quicker to start with nothing selected, hold CTRL, and rightclick three times at various points, this will automatically create a triangle for you and select 2 vertices for your next triangle - as long as you keep holding ctrl each new right-click will create a new triangle. And if you release CTRL, then press TAB a different set of vertices will be selected (because while the CK is quite smart it won't always know which edge to select). Then hold CTRL again, press right-click, and like magic - another new triangle.


One additional bonus of this method is that in exterior cells it will never refuse to go over cell borders, instead it will draw the last vertex as close to the cell border as possible.


You may also want to press B (in regular editing mode, not navmeshing mode) to make cell borders visible.

Edited by acidzebra
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If you're doing exterior navmeshing, it's possible that you're trying to draw triangles across cell borders (ie 1 or 2 vertices are in one cell, the other is in another cell). That's really the only thing I can think of.


Also, first dropping 3 vertices, then selecting them, then pressing A is a horribly inefficient way of making a navmesh, it's much quicker to start with nothing selected, hold CTRL, and rightclick three times at various points, this will automatically create a triangle for you and select 2 vertices for your next triangle - as long as you keep holding ctrl each new right-click will create a new triangle. And if you release CTRL, then press TAB a different set of vertices will be selected (because while the CK is quite smart it won't always know which edge to select). Then hold CTRL again, press right-click, and like magic - another new triangle.

I know, but this is a small part I gotta navmesh this way. Is there any way to bypass the cellborder thing?

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Don't see why "you gotta" but okay, it's your mod :biggrin:


And no, cell borders are cell borders. You'll have to draw your triangles up to the border, continue on the other side, and finalize your cells at the end to link the two cells. Like I said in my edit, exit navmesh mode, press B to display cell borders, see if this is the issue.

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