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Evanore Island


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While a good 90% of the folks here probably don't really care, I figured I'd keep those that do up to date on upcoming additions and changes in my mod Evanore Island. So, for V0.3B, here's what's planned.


- Fully working Prosperity. This is what's taking this version so long to be released. I'll be releasing it with the Prosperity aspect fully working and (hopefully) bug free.

- Three more sidequests. That's right, three full blown side quests each with their own rewards.

- Four new caves/dungeons. Fully spawned and all interior work complete on these.

- Simple sheep farm. I've decided to turn Saladin Malada into a sheep farmer. A few other inhabitants might be turned into miners or farmers.

- One Mine. Enough said.

- A few more tweaks to AI Packages.

- Merchants should no longer be on strike. (Sorry for this one! I completely forgot the Services package!)

- Tweaked the "Forgotten People" side quest and renamed it to "The Great Poison"

- Added NPC Anne Nix. (Oversight on my part for those that have reached this point in the main quest)

- Tweaked various spawns around the island.

- Tweaked existing cave/dungeon spawns.

- The Ghost is no longer an Imperial. He's been changed to Dremora.

- Made the Ancient Map slightly easier to find.

- Captain Teach should now grant transport to and from Evanore if you speak with Palandis before talking to Teach after reaching the island.

- Added a unique NPC (Easter Egg)

- The Ancient Bridge is no longer labeled as a Tavern

- The Grove Guardians are now slightly harder to defeat.

- You now need to collect more than one tool from the shipwreck during the main quest

- Added more dialogue to NPCs (specifically the Murder and Construction Master topics)

- Renamed Brock Burke to Father Burke

- NPCs will now lock their doors at night before sleeping

- A bedroll has been placed in the alleyway. This is enabled after the third house is built.

- You can no longer sleep in Palandis' or Olivia's beds.

- The Player Manor no longer comes fully furnished (this was originally intended but left out as an oversight)

- Added an NPC to the Oak and Crosier in Chorrol that will sell the furniture.

- Removed the Enchanting and Spellmaking alters from the player manor (in preparation of the Guilds)

- After hiring Bako as the guard captain new guards appear around town. (Left out due to an oversight)

- Cluttered up the merchant's shops a bit more

- Tweaked clutter in existing houses

- Added a few custom meshes and textures

- Added six quests relating to the Prosperity Aspect

- Objects relating to Prosperity that were added in v0.2b should no longer randomly enable.

- Moved Father Burke's house closer to Saladin Malada's

- Move the shops closer together

- You should no longer get the random message (in the upper left corner) saying, "A strange force prevents you from advancing." while in the Evanore Worldspace

- Fixed a few spelling errors in the Ancient Runes (part of The Great Poison quest)



That's it for v0.3b! I've probably left a few things out but that should cover almost everything.


On the horizon:


- Voice acting for the main quest should be added by either 0.4b or 0.5b

- Guilds should be fully functioning by 0.5b

- More caves/dungeons will be added

- More tweaking and refining of NPC AI packages

- A 'common house' might be built which will house more NPCs

- Parts of Evanore may be be converted to Farmland (once I figure out how)

- More side quests

- More voice acting

- Ability to set up trade routes (to increase Prosperity and Merchant's variety

- The Evanore Port will also grow and expand based on Trade routes (NOT prosperity)


That's all I can remember for now, but it's a good enough show of what I have planned for the mod!

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