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Missing floors in buildings, apparently someone's stealing wood?


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So for some reason that i have been unable to locate, basically every single building i walk into just has huge pieces of the floor missing. Not just the texture, the FLOOR is gone, i can just walk right through it. I'll attach a screenshot from inside the Pawned Prawn in Riften.

Here's the screenshot - https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtXVzxcLgs0DzYl_xRM2xAVNxUJvYA


And here is a list of every mod i have installed


Nemesis Engine

Majestic mountains

quality world map - vivid with stone roads

better magelight - enhanced

acquisitive soul gems multithreaded

address library for SKSE Plugins - All in one

After the civil war - siege damage repairs

Alduin's imprefvicticious retexture

all thieves guild jobs concurrently

alternate start

amazing follower tweaks


apachii sky hair full optimized




ars metallica

artful dodger

barenziah quest markers

better dialogue controls

better males remesh

Bijin AIO 2019

Bijin NPCs

Bijin Warmaidens

Bijin Wives

Book covers skyrim



camfpire and frostfall

circlets or masks with all robes and hoods

cloaks of skyrim

combat gameplay overhaul

convenient horses

cutting room floor

cutting room floor - no snow under roof

Deadly dragons

dear duary

diverse dragons collection

embers HD

enhanced lights and FX

even better quest objectives

faction crossbows



honed metal

honed metal voiced


immersive armors

immersive Citizens - AI overhaul

Immersive college NPCs


immersive Jewelry

Immersive patrols

immersive weapons

immersive weapons patches


improved eyes skyrim

individual shout cooldowns



Inigo whistle key


JK's arcadia's cauldron

JK's belethor's general goods

JK's dragonsreach

JK's skyrim all in one

JK's the bannered mare

JS Dragon Claws

Konahrik's accoutrements

lanters of skyrim

leanwolf's better shaped weapons

lockpick graduation

lore weapon expansion

M17 septim gold coin retexture

manor roads

masters of death

misc college of winterhold tweaks

moreHUD inventory addition


mortal enemies

multiple floors sandboxing

mysticism - a magic overhaul

no snow under the roof

no snow under the roof hall of vigilant fix

obscure's college of winterhold

opulent thieves guild


papyrus util

path of sorcery - apocalypse patch

path of sorcery

predator vision

QUASIPC - unified patch compendium

race menu

realistic ai detection

realistic conversations

realistic ragdolls and force

realistic water two

realationship dialogue overhaul

repel rain

rich skyrim merchants

royal armory



Serana dialog edit


Seranaholic Valerica

Silent sneak attack

Skyrim better roads

skyrim flora overhaul

skyrim sewers

SkyTEST - realistic animals and predators



Storm Wrath Lightning


the choice is yours

the notice board

the paarthurnax dilemma

tools of kagrenac


timing is everything

tournament of the ten bloods

true hd nightingale

unique uniques

Unofficial skyrim special edition patch

unread books glow


vivid weathers

wearable lanters

wet and cold

winter is coming Your own Thoughts

Zim's Immersive Artifacts


And of course i'm playing Skyrim Special Edition on steam and have the most recent update and version of SKSE available.


Any assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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I disabled all the mods that do anything to buildings in general, including SMIM, and it still didn't solve anything. Windhelm is even worse, all of Candlehearth Hall from the outside except the DOORS are completely gone. Honestly this has just got me completely stumped. I've had invisible textures, including ones in this very save, that i could fix easily, but this is like 10 levels above that.

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So i've figured out the reason this was happening. Apparently, that's what happens when you don't SSEdit your bloody files. I went through and cleaned everything properly, and now it's fine, everything is working perfectly.


I realize my mistake, and that i am in fact a moron.

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I disabled all the mods that do anything to buildings in general, including SMIM, and it still didn't solve anything. Windhelm is even worse, all of Candlehearth Hall from the outside except the DOORS are completely gone. Honestly this has just got me completely stumped. I've had invisible textures, including ones in this very save, that i could fix easily, but this is like 10 levels above that.


Did you start a clean game when you did this?

... If you did not - some scripts are likely still in play.


First try using LOOT, though I have a feeling it's mod script specific.


I would back up your current saved games, just incase.


Start a clean game with * ALL * mods TURNED OFF and keep them off until you get to either Riverwood or Whiterun.

( Or where ever the issue started? )


Go into said buildings and see if everything is fine? Then exit - save and begin the process.


Turn on 1 mod, go into current clean saved game and see.

... It could likely be more than 1 mod .... ( possible conflict with another, maybe )

... Also it could be a mod that ' just doesn't make any sense at all '.


I had a mod that caused some floating ground west of Whiterun. For the life of me, it was not a mod I would have suspected at all. A player's home in Winterhold and it was not scripted or anything. Just a simple " rest stop " home. Sure enough, all the users of that mod had the same issue, and the Mod Creator too. He had to pull the mod, as he could not figure out why his mod was doing that?


I'll be watching here to see how it goes?



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