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Stardew Valley

Farm Machines Won't Work


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So, all of a sudden, all of my farm machines (furnace, keg, mayo machine, etc) have stopped working. When I stand next to it holding the right ingredient, there is no green box and when I click, my hands just drop down and the item is de-selected. It was happening before, so I deleted (luckily, I wasn't too far along) and started a new game, but I've gotten to the point where I've made the furnace and when I try to use it, the same thing happens.


I have several mods on my game but it wasn't an issue until it just started happening, and I wish that I could say what happened immediately before the problem, but I don't remember. I just remember being really frustrated.


Has anyone else had this issue? Is it a known bug, and if so, is there a fix? I've only had SV for a few days and I love it, but if I can't figure this out, it's going to kill it for me.


Thank you so much.

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