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An AI problem in a converted mod, I think....


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Now that I've finally (I'm a bit of a technophobe) learned how to convert oldrim mods to the special edition I took the time to convert this wonderful mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20812?tab=description for my own use.
Feels good to finally have Jorin the fox as a pet again.

The only thing that bothers me is that now Jorin will start howling on a loop whenever my character is sneaking, or whenever my character is running I can hear Jorin barking like a dog (moderately silent, but still).

Furthermore, I adopted the dog as well to see if it behaved strangely whenever my character starts sneaking and it did. The dog looks like it wants to sit down on a loop while never finishing the sitting animation.
This doesn't happen in the original mod.


I used Cathedral Assets Optimizer to convert the mod.


I have no idea what I did wrong. I tried looking in the creation kit but I became none the wiser.
If anyone got any idea what is causing this or how I can fix it I would appreciate it enormously!

Edited by RG4327
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