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[LE] Recruiting: 1 experienced navmesher

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I'm recruiting 1 experienced navmesher for my mod project: TES V Time Traveler Stories.


You must have these requirements:

- You must have a good or excellent knowledge about the Creation Kit navmeshing part

- You must be able to navmesh interior cells and exterior cells, better if manually instead of relying on quick alternatives

- You must pay attention to quality and do some beta testing in order to be sure about his work


Amount of work:

I guess not that much: a pretty small interior cell, some quick fixes in an exterior cell (just to make sure a new trapdoor can be accessed by NPCs) and a new small worldspace (a very little number of cells).



There are no rigid time limits. You are free to proceed as you wish. The key is quality.



I'm going to credit you as a key person and I can offer you a coffee via PayPal Donate.



Here's a photo preview about my mod project and a link to the Mod Talk official topic - if you prefer beta video references:












Edited by DavideMitra
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Nav-meshing is something you need to personally do. Many things to consider that only you would know. Also it's simple ...

I tried to fix some navmeshes years ago and I wasn't able to do that.

Even if I manage to learn how to navmesh, it wouldn't be an high quality work... There's no time to train myself. It's like when you do a new thing...the first time it will be not bad, the 50th time it will be excellent.

Thanks anyway!

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I'm not being condescending here at all ...

Turn off the shape and the lines buttons. With only the points active you just zoom in click to drop a point. Do all or most of your points at the same time.

Then you just highlight 3 and press A to make the triangle ... it's so simple. Give that a shot and I'm sure you will change your mind.

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Turn off the shape and the lines buttons. With only the points active you just zoom in click to drop a point. Do all or most of your points at the same time.

Then you just highlight 3 and press A to make the triangle ... it's so simple. Give that a shot and I'm sure you will change your mind.

There are many ways to navmesh. I never heard about this one, lol!


But yeah, all ways are kinda easy. Anyway i'll see what i can do for him, simpler that way i guess.

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What do you mean it's too late. You can always nav-mesh. When I made that Enchanted Ship in a Bottle mod the nav-meshing was a nightmare, So many tight spots, So hard to get in there and see what I was doing.
Multi floors, steps and warp doors. Think I'm a professional nav-mesher now after that. The way I told you is by far the best way to do it. When you're done you use the define edges button and finalize it. You will end up

with one big nav-mesh file that works perfectly. I've been doing this for over a decade and think I've done it every possible wrong way you can. That is why I'm so sure of this technique. Like everything in that kit you have
to learn it the hard way if you're on your own.

Edited by NexusComa
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