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Weather ....... again.... I guess.....


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Hi everybody.

I absolute LOVE FO3, but.. there's a small issue I'm having with the environment... the weather never changes .... !?!


What I'd really like to see implemented via mods, are rain (doesn't have to be damaging rain, could be cool to cruise the wasteland in the rain :biggrin: ), dust storms, fog, and lightning storms.


Now THAT'S the wasteland I imagine when I think of post apocalyptic environments....


However, I'm not exactly the best modder, since the only thing I've been doing, is beta testing mods.

I don't know how any of the softwares work, so I can't reskin myself. I don't know how to use 3D Stud. Max, so can't create the environment myself, well, basically... I'm not really that good a mod'er, so to speak... so.... I was kind of hoping someone here might like my idea of rain, and dust and thunder storms in the wasteland, and be so kind to devote his/her time to create this in a mod... :whistling:


Hope someone will see with kind eyes on this request...



Just thought of another cool thing... in the wasteland, where are all the "nightcrawlers"???

What about adding extra dark nights, with monsters popping out of their hiding places at night, with distant sounds of their growls !?! ;)

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sudden dust storms would be fun.. and make the dust radioactive so you have to hide somewhere and sit it out.. like the blowout's from stalker almost.. u only get a short warning before hell breaks lose :D would be cool to see npc's run for cover too, i'll bet it's doable when the geck is released..


edit: the short warning before a dust storm could be some sort of raidio message.. threedog yelling on the radio: we got report of dust storms to the north of the wastes.. soo if u are there, find some cover fast!! oooooww thredawg out!!


or something :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

in Oblivion i LOVED those epic fights, its night time, pouring with rain, and your surrounded but enemies. One comes at you, a clash of lightning as you strafe under his swing and stike a fatal blow in his flank, the body crumples to the floor like a ragdoll. The others hesitate...You take a step forwards, they take a step back, one eventuall builds up the courage to take a shot, he lunges through the rain at you to take a blow, but his blade meets with your own, deflected, he stumbles back and your sword takes his head from his body. (Deadly reflexes FTW), the rest charge you as the gods shout their fury in the form of thunder and lightning. just your lone hero is left standing in the darkness,. Taking a moment to rest, allowing the rain to strip the blood splatters from your armour and sword, surrounded by felled enemies.


No i dont RP, i just like the imagagry.


I understand that rain isnt exactly canon, but it would certainly make things more interesting. Fog and standstorms conjure up some fantastic scenes to my imagination as well.

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