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It was 29th February 2009. 3 days after the outbreak.

I was locked in my room, with nothing more than my bed, a mini-fridge stocked with tinned food and a baseball bat.


It all started 3 days ago when me and my parents were sat watching the 6 o'clock news.

As they came on air, they had breaking news.

'Parents, make sure you keep your children in doors. Lock your windows and your doors. At 3pm the experiment took place. The LHC was set off after the downtime due to the last attempt. As the particles were set off around the tube, they caused a leak in radiation, causing all in a 500 mile radius to become infected. This has reached the east of Britain and we urge you stay in doors! You are not safe to leave.'

Just as they advised us to stay indoors, my father rushed around the house, locking all windows and doors.


As he came back down the stairs, there was a knock on the living room window.

The fists of our friend Nick were banging on the window.

Something wasn't right, he had a look in his eye, blood stains on his shirt, like he had changed, become a monster.


He continued to bang on the window, causing more of the local residents to join in.

They all looked the same, banging on the windows, trying to break in.

My Father ran to the cupboard grabbing any tools he could for us to defend ourselves.

A hammer, baseball bat and a small pistol we kept incase of any trouble.

He handed me the baseball bat as the glass started to crack.

My mother had a hammer, but she ran to the kitchen. When she came back in to the living room, she had brought supplies of her Chef's knives.


The only type of fighting I ever did was on computer games or with a plastic pole that was meant to be used as one of the posts for the Badmington net.

I then remembered I had one of these poles under the staircase.

As I approached the staircase, they broke in through the window.


Gun shots were going off rapidly, blood splattering over the walls.

My mother came to the door, throwing the knives at anything that moved.

Then I finally grabbed the pole. I had added a blade to the end of it so I could stab it in to the ground.

This proved to be very useful. As I pushed my mother out of the doorway, I ran in to help my father from the middle of the room.


As I rushed in, the ammo of the pistol ran out and as they were about to kill him, I jumped in there and stabbed it through the head.

As I pulled my blade out of its head, one came to grab me.

I struggled to try and hold it off, but then it fell to the floor.


It had a knife through the back of its head.

I could see mother from the corner of my eye watching as she dropped to her knees.


My father ushered me up the stairs trying to get me in to my room.

The door swung open as the monsters swamped the house.

I ran in to my room, grabbing the baseball bat in the struggle.

My parents tried to get in to there room but it was to late.

They got them. All I could hear was the screams of pain coming from my parents as they were torn apart by the monsters.


I have survived 3 days living in my room with those monsters persistantly banging on the door.

I don't know how longer I will last, food supplies are low, my family are dead, there is nothing left for.......The End

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