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Better combat


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1. In skyrim, when you hold the attack button, you will automatically perform power attacks that are slow and clumsy. Please make it in such a way that you HOLD THE ATTACK BUTTON TO READY A POWER ATTACK AND RELEASE THE BUTTON TO PERFORM IT (like how you shoot an arrow). When holding the attack button, the player will still be able to move at normal speed instead of being slower.


2. It is boring to slash a powerful humanoid enemy for 20 times or being able to tank arrows and attacks from weaker enemies. Please make it so that EVERY HUMANOID INCLUDING THE PLAYER CAN ONLY TAKE A FEW SLASHES OR ARROWS BEFORE GOING DOWN. Low level enemies will be less skilled (i.e. block less frequently). Wearing armours will allow the player to take more blows, light armour for more mobility and heavy armour offers massive protection but decreases the player's speed. Player and enemies of higher levels should be able to dodge too. Magic deals the same damage as vanilla.

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