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Townsfolk bow when player is near.


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Hello. The title pretty much sums it up. I am trying to figure out just how to get the people in my mod-town to go into a bowing (idle) posture when the player walks within a given radius. It will only happen once the player has completed a quest, so of course I'll be adding some bit of enabler code to the end of the quest, but basically... how would I go about setting up this trigger? (Forgive my terminology, "trigger" was the best word I could think of)
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A quest event that only starts if the given quest you want is done or a quest stage, at least that is how i would do it. Then apply a condition that it will only run in given location, maybe only a faction of your desire will react.

Many possibilities here, best to experiment. But quest with alias and conditions would work, then you don't have to modify npcs directly either, just let the alias give them what they need like a package. Also having the quest trigger on conditions to which location you are in also works, but then all npcs will do this though. Not exactly a tutorial, but at least how i would try to find a way.

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