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.lip files in Creation Kit


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Alright, so if anyone have added imported .wav files to a npc, you probably know what im talking about..


I have a couple of audio files i would like to apply to a npc. I have created the audio, and got it working in-game.

What i cant get to work, is the .lip file, that wont generate with the custom audio files. As you may know, this is not a problem if recorded in the creation kit.


Anyone found a workaround, maybe a tip?

Thanks a lot!

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  • 4 months later...

Having a similar problem I have recorded blank voice files for my mod and am replacing them with lines I am recieveing from voice actors(by renamimng the.wav and copying and pasting) When I try to generate a LIP file from the replaced .wav the CK fails to generate the file. Really annoying lol no biggie tho just means lip synching is off a bit

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