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Pay for a blacksmith to do the crafting,


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i'd love to see a mod where you could pay crafts men/woman to enchant/smith/brew ect for you. I feel it takes away from the realism of Skyrim when the only way to get the best equipment is to become a master-crafter yourself. Why? There are craftsmen all over Skyrim. Let me kill stuff steal their money and pay them for commissioned work. Any interest?
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i'd love to see a mod where you could pay crafts men/woman to enchant/smith/brew ect for you. I feel it takes away from the realism of Skyrim when the only way to get the best equipment is to become a master-crafter yourself. Why? There are craftsmen all over Skyrim. Let me kill stuff steal their money and pay them for commissioned work. Any interest?

Helpful Blacksmith http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27116

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