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Stardew Valley

Adding Mods to Saved File > Do I have to configure to see changes?


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I apologize in advance as I'm sure many have asked this before but I've never used mods in Stardew Valley and I'm looking for quick answers!

I've downloaded several, (5-10) mods for a game that I'm in mid-winter year 1. Furniture mods and a greeenhouse mod, farmer to florist, etc. Certain aspects of the mods I've chosen seem to be available to me--for instance I can open CJB Spawner and see that there are new flowers and some florist related furniture items. But the Industrial Furniture mod I believe I did install correctly, that furniture is nowhere to be found.

I've checked with Robin and she isn't selling anything new. Do I have to "turn on" the mods? I see that some of the ones I've chosen are configurable. I'm not sure how to do that.... Not super comfortable fiddling with console but will manage if that's the case I'll try and find a tutorial.

ALSO, I've installed the mushroom box mod, which I'm super excited about. Apparently Robin is supposed to give the player the crafting recipe after Demetrius adds bats/mushrooms to the farm--but I've long since passed this milestone and I don't see any recipe for the box?

Am I forgetting a step or have I done something wrong?




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