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Really Simple Script Problem Plus A Rant


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@mannygt: I only put the debug messages in to help me work out where the script is misbehaving. As I said, the script was quite large to begin with and when nothing was working, I started taking parts away and putting in debug messages to help me work out what the problem is.


@acidzebra: Heh, no, I think context is the wrong word. I mean if I use the same script but change a few lines to things more appropriate for what I am using it on or want it to do. And no, not going through it like a bumbling idiot changing random stuff :P

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acidzebra is correct, you can't run updates on items in your inventory.


The following script starts the updates via OnInit(). The update messages appear until the medallion is picked up and then they stop:



Scriptname _medallion_test extends ObjectReference

Event OnInit()

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
Debug.notification("Medallion equiped")

Event OnUpdate()
Debug.notification("Script update")


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