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Max 9 Nif Bugs?


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Anyone using Max 9 have this problem with creating morph targets?



I've had some unusual bug occurrences in my Max 9 to Nif when moving verts around to make the different Mesh_0 / Mesh_1 model variations needed for morph targets.


Seems I can take a properly finished, textured and rigged model - move a few dozen verts around - and when I export and test - I quite get explosive results.


My Vertices # are renumbered as if I altered the mesh vert count. I haven't cut or applied any modifiers that would make new vertices. I apply soft select and pull verts - use FFDs 3x3x3 - and some scale tool use. I'm not extruding or welding or breaking or making new verts here - just moving them around. Sometimes I get this bug if i just pull verts around with no modifiers applied at all.


According to Nifscope - Mesh_0 and Mesh_1 seem to totally have different vert numbers - and might even be spitting out different vert counts on a few models?!?!


Is there something wrong with Max 9 - or is this something others have to deal with, and I can correct in the NIF tools.

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