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sarid - BANNED

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sarid banned.


Reason for the ban

Mod comment troll:

your selection of screenshots is pretty bad, all of them are -your- characters, maybe if you had good scenery shots and less 3/4ths naked pictures it would be better

Then, when the author replied "Don't use it if you don't like it", posted:


wow that is insulting, also no naked pictures? it is like you didnt even read what i said, i said you have over half naked women (as in only 1/4th of their body has actually cloths on, or maybe you dont understand fractions) in your pictures as some of them are all in thongs


if your 'mod' is not meant for children then i dont know how you made it as you are a child if you cant understand a single thing i said as to why your mod is not as good as the others who have done the same thing with actual taste


edit: i forgot to mention if you are using other people screenshots as you just said that some of these are not even your characters then you better give proper credit (unless i understood you wrong which is frankly quite easy considering you call me a child rather than trying to take constructive criticism)


This post has been edited by sarid: Today, 02:49 PM

(And that was the "edited" version, meaning had time to re-think what was being said, and chose to say this.)


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