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is there a way to add enchantement to arrow quivers?


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thank you very much shadowjin, i'll take a look at your mod, problem is that i'm really a noob at scripting/ magical effect creation so it would require some time... :D thank you again for the help :) every idea is worth checking out....
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Well, when talking about "simple" thing like this, I wouldn't try to achieve it with scripts :biggrin:


Aye, I think It takes only 2 different things (plus the quiver itself) to make it work.

Perk, and the magic effect. (Increase carry weight in this case)

Magic effect is linked to perk and perk is linked to item, it's quite simple really.


Only "bad" thing here is (I don't really know if it's anything to worry about) perk removal.

I am not sure if it needs to be removed when uninstalling mod.

I never tried removing my mod :biggrin:

BUT I added guide to the description of my mod about "how to remove the perk which existence you weren't aware of", and at least it doesn't cause any problems when you remove the perk via that.

Also, I could believe 85% of downloaders have skipped that part and nobody has reported any weird things happening, so I think it's quite safe.

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