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NPC Complete - overhaul


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Here is my problem, half the NPC's in town never go home. My example in Uthgerd in Whiterun, she has a home but her AI package just has her sitting in 1 spot in the tavern 24/7. Make it so that say at 2am she get's up and goes home and when she get's home goes up-stairs and goes to sleep in her bed, get's up at 6am, eats back downstairs after sitting at her table. Then returns to the tavern. Yes, there are NPC's who realize they have a home and eventually goes to them, but a lot of NPC's in the town's don't. They just sit in 1 spot and do nothing until the player interacts with them to recruit them.


Take Saada, there is another person who needs an AI overhaul (example), have her sometime's go upstairs for sleep. And during the day have her goto the brewery to get supplies (or the market outside the tavern - since the story has her being hunted by the Redguard).


Basically do an AI cleanup where ALL town NPC's that have homes actually uses them. On a side note it would also be nice to see the Companion's actually out in the world doing stuff even if you don't belong to them yet.

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