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Flame of Aaerna (\'/'\`/)


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Sorry, having some Real LIfe problems, the RP is put on pause until this friday. Hope you will all still keep RPing. Sorry for any inconveniences.



-The Raven-......

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Still having problems, this RP is postponed until further notice. Sorry for dissappointing anyone, I'll alert you all when I return to it, if your still willing to RP in it then.



-The Raven-off to work

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Well guys, I'm back, and the RP lives, I'm going to further along the RP today or t/m, so keep an eye out. The RP has restarted. I can only hope you are all still interested in playing ;D.



-The Raven-out

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The trek to Mryn was not a hazardous one. It in fact had proved a bit too boring. Elrol had found himself countless times, actually wishing something exciting would happen along the way, but to his dismay it did not.


A few days after setting out from Felicita he arrived outside the city gates to find the guard a bit thicker, and their demeanor a bit more nervous. The caw of the raven sitting upon Elrol's shoulder was the only sound that broke the ominous silence about the city.


As he passed through the gates and into the city he noticed a throng of people moving down the street toward the castle. Everyone's arms were full of possessions, and belongings. A few in the back of the group had large carts full of various items. Curiosity sprouted in Elrol's mind and he followed them to the castle. There they entered into the courtyard and joined a larger mass of people with panic strickened faces shuffling about in the courtyard. He left them behind, turning left toward the temple gates.


He reached the gate slightly before dawn, and noticed he was not the first to arrive, an Elven maiden was already standing next the fountain. Whether she was there for the same reason as he, he knew not, but he suspected as much. He walked slowly over to the the fountain and eyed Wriven The Raven lept into the air and landed precariously atop the fountain cawing softly as his feet clasped hold of the stone.

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Caeleth looked up and down the familiar street. It was quiet, just the way he really liked it, and the reason he had chosen this location. There was none of the hustle and bustle that cane with living in the city center, yet everywhere was accessible enough to be able to get some of the reagents and ingredients he needed for his experiments. His neighbors left him alone for the most part, which was also the way he liked it. A couple of planned strange things had seen to that. He didn't mind being known as the 'strange man from the corner', or even the 'mad scientist', as they meant that people would give him a very wide berth.


That was the problem, doing what he had decided to do. He had been a warrior for years, wandering the lands, trying to right perceived wrongs, but he had always had that 'other' part of him. Things seemed to happen when he was doing things; things unexpected and unexplainable, though almost always to his favor. Finally, he had done something in the presence of an old wise man that had been simply passing through. "So, you're a magician, are you?" The old man had said to him. This took Caeleth aback, as he had never imagined himself a magician. Magicians were just in stories – they really didn't exist and he certainly wasn't one himself. He might have been other things, but those were due to nature, not magic.


"I am not a magician." Caeleth had replied after he had come to his senses.


"Then how do you explain that?" The old man said, looking at the crumpled form that had been a steel gauntlet just a couple of minutes ago. "I think you are, and just need some training. Wouldst thou walk with me? I wish to simply talk, and if

you do not wish to talk about magic, we can talk about many other things instead."


On the walk, Caeleth learned to like the old man. Before he realized it, he was spending more and more time with him, and the talk had turned more and more to magic.


On this night, however, the thoughts of the old man were far from what was foremost on his mind. The street was too quiet. Here, on this early morning, there should be some activity, but there was none. To the east, the entire city sat quiet and dark, as if the place had been frozen in time. The white walls and brown timbering of the houses somehow seemed muted, kind of grayish in the light of the dawn. It was almost like someone had sucked the energy out of the town.


To the west, there seemed to be much more normalcy, as people were beginning to come out of their houses and make preparations for the day. "Just like always" he thought to himself. "Here I am right on the edge of what happened. I can either go to the right and act like this is going to be a normal day, or I can go left and probably get messed up with something that is well beyond what most would consider normal."


Caeleth turned left, and began walking the street, wondering what he would find.


The empty street went on and on, like some old, drained canal. There should be some sign of life, but he found none. The houses and shops stood quiet as mausoleums, standing testament to whatever deviltry had occurred. As he continued, he even noticed the chimneys were void of their ever present smoke. That must be the same thing that caused my lamp to go out. He thought, wandering further across the city. Finding nothing continuing to the east, he turned south, trying to see the width of the phenomenon, since the length seemed to be the width of the city. Besides, heading to the south would bring him to the more active part and, eventually, to the castle.


He began entering the older part of the city; the part that fascinated him with its architecture even though the amount of activity disgusted him. The white marble that made up the larger buildings now had the purplish cast of early morning, not yet shining with the brilliance of the fully risen sun. The reddish granite buildings seemed even darker and more foreboding than usual, and he stayed away from them. Something about them had always bothered him, though he knew not what it was.


Throughout all of this, though, there was a complete lack of the city-dwellers that shoulkd have been there. Part of him was happy that they weren't there. But that was the mean part of him talking – the part that really liked to be alone. Perhaps by the time he got to the center of the city, he might know more about what was going on.

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The Rat's Rear--one of the many hives of scum and villainy in the world, but so long as you kept your mouth shut and your eye on your pouch, it was a safe enough place to enjoy a drink.


Not that this fact made the place any more appealing to Armiena. She wove through the throng of drunks and strangers (and the other assorted filth of society), finally reaching the bar. A drunk leered at her from her left until she gave him a "Don't mess with me or you'll be missing an arm" look. The bartender just glanced at her, wiping a mug with a filthy rag, until she sighed and put a silver piece on the bar. He immediately abandoned the said mug, and slung the rag over his shoulder.


"A pint and plate of venison," she put the appropriate sum of silver on the bar, and the bartender quickly made it disappear. A mug of whatever swill the tavern was serving arrived in a couple of minutes; she assumed that someone was actually cooking the meat for a change.

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