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How can i create .tri files for hair meshes?


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Hi guys, i'm creating hair meshes replacements for the vanilla hairs, see here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28491


but i'm having problems creating the .tri files.


I tried using conformulator v0.7 with these dummy files http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6402 and an .obj export from nifskope but the UVs get all messed up


i'm not really sure what to do, what ways do we have to create .tri files?

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You may need to use an older version of NifSkope for obj files, current version(s) have an issue with UVs. Sounds like 1.1.0 RC6 works for this task.


Jennifur68 posts that RC7 works as well, here's the download link for that:


Edited by throttlekitty
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