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Simple unarmed damage uncap


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Hi, as we all know very well, unarmed damage is capped somewhere around 46-61 damage. That means that no matter how heavy gauntles you have, how many enchantements you have your damage is capped. This with the fact that Skyrim completely lacks unarmed skill kills any unarmed characters.


What I am looking for is a simple mod, that would uncap unarmed damage, meaning that if you enchant your things with +unarmed damage, you wont hit the cap and you will be able to deal solid damage even late in the game.


Anything bonus would be remade perk tree(lets say lockpicking, cant say I've used it on any of my chars) that would work like any other weapon tree. First perk giving you +% of unarmed damage, lets say next you increasing attack speed while unarmed, next one decreasing stamina cost of power attacks, I think you get the idea.


But yeah, apart from the skill tree which would be extra, all that Skyrim lacks is a simple unarmed damage uncap mod.

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