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[Mod Request] Use scroll wheel to cycle through orders


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The idea behind this mod is that when you select troops (using 1-2-3...) you can then scroll through the orders with the mouse wheel and select them with a mouse wheel press or a left click (although a click to select would be more complicated I guess since there is already a function to move your troops when clicking), allowing to bypass the need to use F1-F2-F3... and make it a bit more fluid in the midst of combat.


There is already an orange border around the selected order when you're in an order submenu (like F1 -> you have a border around the option you currently have selected) so putting this UI around the first row of order before going into a submenu would be the indicator going with the mouse wheel.


I tried to fiddle with the game's files using dnSpy and made a skeleton of a mod with visual studio but I have no experience in C# so all I can do is put my idea here and if anyone is interested into making it I'd be really happy.

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