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Where has MoMod V10 gone!!! D:


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IS there any news about it? It keeps saying that it is under review or something! Does anybody have like a download link or the files?



It was removed from the nexus! He was using a lot of copyrighted files in it. If anybody is wise they will not post links to it here on the Nexus.

Edited by Jack8623
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dogtown has been banned and MoMod v10 removed from Nexus. Having read the review of his ban, it's very clear that neither he nor MoMod will be returning to Nexus. He committed a serious breach of the rules and MoMod v10 contained copyrighted material. It's a shame as it was a great Mod, but he didn't really leave Nexus with any choice. The full explanation of what happened is here.
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