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Dead NPC fades after search mod/script


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Hi everyone... First, it's been more then 10 months since I last scripted (I wasn't that bad then, but I lost my touch) and I restarted playing Skyrim some days ago... With the official updates, all the mods that are out and all the tweaks possible, I'm able to play it "ok" now...


The only thing, since I use ASIS, there's a lot more people and I hate to research them all the time... I taught of a way to make sure every people that have been "inventory checked" are known... SetAlpha is what I am thinking about...


So, here's what I am thinking... A quest script that checks if you opened an inventory (OnOpen? or is that only for doors and the like?). Then inventory must be from a dead character (.IsDead). If it is, then give it an unplayable or invisible item (worthless one). If the actor that is dead as THAT particular item, SetAlpha 0.50 (or 0.25); still visible but I know I checked him).


So, it will only give the item to dead characters you checked (so that chests won't be half visible) and since the item is unplayable (worked in Fo3 or New Vegas) it won't show up...


Can it be done? I need help!

Thanks in advance to anyone helping! (UUrrgg... I REALLY don't remember much... It's a pain to forget and far harder to remember :) !).




After some research, I think it would work on a OnActivate... So, Onactivate, if ref (npc) is dead, and doesn't have the item (let's say DeadCheckerMoss) then add it.


If the ref (npc) as DeadCheckerMoss, then SetAlpha 0.5


Or we could simply SetAlpha 0.5 on NPC when the action OnActivate is on... Hum...

Edited by Vortaka
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