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An Eternal Nightmare Mod


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Okay so I'm in no way good at making mods but I've had an idea for one, which I think could be pretty good.


So basically it's an eternal nightmare mod,its always dark and day never comes, but times passes as normal, so it can be 1pm but pitch black, and nights are much darker. Enemies are stronger and faster, there are more enemies out in the wastes, and maybe new enemy types which look like they crawled out of hell. More enemies includes things such as packs of ferals just roaming, Deathclaw packs, containing up to 3 deathclaws, and always an alpha, supermutant patrols with centaurs, hostile children of atom, rogue and hostile brotherhood knights in PA, ect. Synth hitsquads can be encountered targeting rogue synths, there can be insane survivors in abandoned buildings, most forced friendly encounters are replaced by more paranoid people, always on edge and ready to shoot you if they view you as a threat. Ammo is rare, stimpaks are incredibly rare but worth a lot, power armour cannot be found anywhere except on npcs and through quests, and the frame has to be built, but would require a lot of resources. Everything is about 5 times more expensive, roaming merchants like cricket are even rarer to encounter, but have better stock, for much higher prices. Everyone's on edge at all times, and if you loiter for too long around somebody they'll become paranoid and attack you. Specific things such as vault 81s entry requirement have been increased to make it harder to enter, due to the innate safety of the vault, piper wouldn't be outside diamond city, you'd have to find another way in, goodneighbour would be a constant war zone of insane people seeking refuge. Companion affinity is a lot harder to increase due to everyone being on edge, and if lowered enough they will become permenantly hostile towards you, and attack without warning, and damage would be scaled to become more lethal.


A sanity meter would be implemented. You lose sanity the longer you stay in the dark, and gain it in the light, which can be found in settlements. As your sanity drops below 80% you'll start to see hallucinations, your perception, endurance, charisma and luck will drop but only by 2 points respectively. At 50% some of the hallucinations will attack you, causing more threats than usual, and your perception, luck, intelligence, charisma and endurance will be halved. At 20% your character will laugh at random intervals, giving you away if you're sneaking, and may start hurting themselves from their lack of sanity, as well as all your special stats dropping by an additional 3 points and merchants will no longer sell to you. At 10% all special stats are set to 1, your hallucinations, become almost invulnerable to your attacks, at 5% all npcs refuse to speak with you, and will draw a gun incredibly quickly if you don't leave them alone. At zero its game over, and there are 2 possibilities. You go mad and run off into the wastes never to be seen again or you shoot yourself to end the torment. Sanity drops 1% every 10 in-game minutes in the dark, but regains 1% every 15 spent in light. It can be sped up with music or talking to a friendly companion. The lower your sanity is, the higher prices will be, but only starting at around 60%, and people are harder to convince as you're visibly losing it. Using any form of chems will lower your sanity by a respective amount, and if already low enough for hostile hallucinations, the chems will make them a lot stronger.


Hallucinations will spawn randomly, but more frequently as the player loses sanity. Hallucinations can be any form of enemy, but the lower your sanity, the more enemy types like radscorpians, deathclaws and super mutant behemoths will appear. Because they're all in your head of course, your companions are unable to damage them. They can only be damaged with an ammo type which would be relatively easy to use, and a custom npc would be the one to tell the player about it, in a side quest once the hallucinations start seeming more aggressive, but before attacking the player.


The npc would be of supernatural descent, which the player could discover by reading up on him in a terminal in his house. If attacked he will just warn the player not to be they haven't spoken to him. After finding out about his descent, attacking him would cause him to laugh as he fades, and never returns. It is unwise to do so as he will sell the ammo type for a rather cheap price, but also have a special one shot explosive version, which is incredibly expensive, but wipes out all hallucinations in the immediate area.


I will hopefully think of some more in the future, if anyone reads this thanks, and if anyone wants to try making it please do! Thanks

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