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Landscape / terrain leaking texture


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Hi guys,


I am currently modding Skyrim, following Anton works which is very helpful (https://www.sinitargaming.com/skyrim_graphics.html)


When it comes to base mod and especially the ones changing landscape and terrain textures (e.g. Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute, Skyland - A Landscape Texture Overhaul etc.), in some location I get a "leaking terrain".


I share a Google Drive link where I upload an image.



This image was taken when using Skyland, around Riften. And I am sure there are others.


The texture covers a lot of space and it is not just a minor issue. It also appears with other mods that change terrain texture (not all but some of them - example Skyrim HD Tribute mentionned above). For your information, at this stage I did not change much of the game, only added few basic mods such SMIM, Ruins Cluter Improvements and Skyrim HD and few bug fixes mods. I also used an ENB (Ruby).


Any comment on how to fix it or where it could come from? Or even if someone got the same issue? I tried to check with load order, batch and remove texture one by one but no chance to determine where it comes from and how to fix it...


Thanks :thumbsup:


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