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CK - adding new cells to the global map


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I'm going to start learning CK (bethsoft tutorials), mostly for the purpose of creating new areas/levels. However, first I would like to know the answer to the following question:


Is it possible to add custom, user made cells onto the global map ,effectively expanding it? (Graph. representation is provideed below).



All what is needed is a straight answer - yes or no, so I won't spend time learning CK only to acknowledge later, that purpose what I've been learning for is impossible to reach. Thankyou!



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So you want to add NEW cells to the middle of the map and have the rest of the world expand around it. Thats not possible with any tool.


That's quite disappointing, but thatnkyou for the response.

Edited by Themdl
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The map is the map. You can edit any cell on it, adding and removing as you like. If you add structures, the internal cell of the structure is not tied to the external map in any way. You can add new worldspaces.

In short, want you want is both impossible and imho unnessesary.

Edited by acidzebra
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The map is the map. You can edit any cell on it, adding and removing as you like. If you add structures, the internal cell of the structure is not tied to the external map in any way. You can add new worldspaces.

In short, want you want is both impossible and imho unnessesary.


The Idea was to add more wilderness to wander in, as IMO vanilla map is way too small, 10hrs of playtime is enough to know every corner of it. Oh well, no means no.

Edited by Themdl
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