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Using Nifskope to edit Skeleton.nif file


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I'm trying to position the quiver closer to my female follower's body. I know there are mods that already do this, but for some reason, I can't get them to work with the BBP effect. Here's what I do...


I pull up the skeleton_female.nif file in Nifskope. I find the bone marked QUIVER. I right click on the bone, bringing up a small menu. I click on Transform then scroll over to Edit. Another screen pops where I can alter the X, Y, and Z axis...making the bone go up, down, closer, and farther from the body. I get it to where I want it...save it, then exit. I start the game, but nothing changes.


What am I missing?


I know that I can make the quiver and bow "disappear" by setting the sale to .0001 (which I'm using as a PLAN B), but it bothers me to know that my follower has a bow, but it's never seen unless in combat.

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No clue on editing the mesh, but...


There's over 200 custom made skeletons made by skulltyrant over here. Almost any combination of compatible skeleton.nif alterations can be found there.

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