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Skyrim SE Problems with 3BBB Body: forearms overlapping, physics do not works propery and unable to create a decent body.


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I got some huge problems with this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30174


Actually checked out, everything is updated, load order is fine, not here the problems.

Still as i said, i'm unable to resolve.

Probably doing something wrong but how do I change the body appearence/sizes?

In racemenu character creation(when I enter new game) I can only modify the face.

It appears to be that the initial prisoner outfit, is incompatible with the body and so i cannot see the changes I make trough racemenu(or maybe is just my fault?)


Even removing that, the body reveals to be deformed(don't know if it's my fault or the preset) and physic is problematic since the breasts just "float" and then introflect inside when walking.


The mod author says it's compatible with all cbbe armors, then why?

What's wrong?


Is there a specific way to create a good body in-game?

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