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What am I Doing Wrong?


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In the Creation Kit I can't select objects, I know the object is placed because I can see it, but I can only select it if I am lucky. And theres so much stuff in Whiterun that you end up clicking on by accident. I tried to search for my object by name in the list of objects in the cell but it doesn't come up.
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Try zooming in closer to the object that you're trying to select before clicking on it. You're likely too far away from it's location to click on it without something else being selected by accident. However, if your object isn't showing up in the list of objects in the cell - then it shouldn't actually be there to select in the first place, in which case you'll have to drop another object into the cell.
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I am literally right next to the object, and I dropped it in the cell and I can clearly see it, why isn't it an item in the cell? It shows up in game as well, I just can't select it and move it. And I can't delete it if I can't select it or see it in the object window.
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