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Stardew Valley

Participate in an interview study on being a modder (Mod Authors Only)


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Hi Stardew Valley Modders,

I have gained permission from the moderators to post here so I hope I don’t take up too much of your time and thank you for letting me post. As part of a Ph.D. research study, we would like to invite individuals who are 18 or older, and who are active modders in either/both Stardew Valley or Skyrim to participate in an interview to understand your experiences of and motivations to mod. The interview will last between 45-60 minutes and will take place at a mutually agreed online format (either Discord, Skype, Zoom or another). You will receive a random Steam key for a random game as an appreciation for your participation. If you are interested in taking part in this study or if you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] or follow this link https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18891563. We can set up a meeting time online. You will be provided with further detail prior to participating to ensure your decision and consent to participate is fully informed.

Thank you so much!

Please Note: If you could share this with others who mod Skyrim or Stardew Valley who might be interested it would be appreciated.

Ethics Number: 1900001069

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I woud love to interview Pathoschild but I am also interested in modders from all stages in their modding practices. Whether you have published, planning on publishing or not at all what I care about is that you are active and are passionate about what you are making.

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