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Helpful Spouses - mod config help pls, i think i broke it


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The individual mod threads move really slowly hoping for help in the general forum.


Could you explain "GlobalChance"? Does "1.0" = 100% chance?

Also, I think I broke something... Penny's not doing any chores... here's my config, is this correct?

"DailyLimit": 99,
"HeartsNeeded": 3,
"GlobalChance": 1.0,

and down the list....

"Penny": {
"furyx639.BirthdayGift": 1.0,
"furyx639.MakeBreakfast": 1.0,
"furyx639.FeedTheAnimals": 1.0,
"furyx639.PetTheAnimals": 1.0,
"furyx639.FeedThePet": 1.0,
"furyx639.LoveThePets": 1.0,
"furyx639.WaterTheCrops": 1.0,
"furyx639.RepairTheFences": 1.0,
"furyx639.WaterTheSlimes": 1.0

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