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A more convenient Vortai


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The mod that I am talking about can be found here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10214

I was going to message the author of this mod about my request, but he has already stated that he is no longer working on Vortai.


Unlike many who thought the backyard with all the crafting station, humongous library and grand hall was a bit too much, I found them to be perfect for my liking.

My favorite part of the mod however was the bedroom because I've always dreamed of having a living quarters as extravagant as that.


However the only problem I have with the mod is that it is completely secluded. My followers don't set foot on the premise (who of which are practically used as my pack mules). I would have liked to be able to see the home outside of a city where you can easily see starry nights, maybe attached to high hrothgar or winterhold college by a bridge of some sort and suspended in the air like a sky island. I don't mind having a load screen coming into the house, but I would like to have travel between the inside of the home and the backyard seamless.

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