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EfffectShader Dissapears when replacing actor Papyrus

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I'm trying to create a script that replaces an actor with another actor now to make it looks less stupid I'm applying a EffectShader to the first actor and then replacing it with the new actor.
The problem is once I disable the first actor the effectshader instantly goes away. Is there a different way to apply this effectshader without it getting removed instantly?
I've to disable the first actor first or the other actor will spawn in a completely different location which is not what I want.

I've tried finding a fix for this for several hours without any luck.

Video of what happens atm: ttps://imgur.com/a/140sDjK

Current Code:

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	InvisFloor.MoveTo(akTarget as objectreference, 0.000000, 0.000000, -25.000000, true)
	NewActor = InvisFloor.PlaceActorAtMe(ReplacementActor)

Edited by EddieTheEagle
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suggestion only

; move invisible floor object to target
    InvisFloor.MoveTo(akTarget as Objectreference, 0.0, 0.0, -25.0, TRUE)        

; https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Play_-_EffectShader
    FX5.Play(akTarget)              ; play FX effect, endless
    aRef.SetGhost(TRUE)             ; make actor a ghost

; switch floor on
    Utility.Wait(3.0)               ; wait 3 sec

; place new actor at floor
    NewActor = InvisFloor.PlaceActorAtMe(ReplacementActor)
    FX5.Play(NewActor, 10.0)        ; play fx on new actor for 10 sec

    FX5.Stop(akTarget)              ; stop FX effect
    akTarget.DisableNoWait()        ; disable target immediately
    akTarget.Delete()               ; mark target for delete
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You need to break down / separate it into 3 element, each element has to be independent from the other.

1) Dead actor > plays its own fx.

2) A stand alone FX that it will play either at a "Pre Placed xMarker" or at a "Pre Placed Invisible Actor", the FX will play from the start of your "Casted Spell" till its end.

The FX that will play must have its "FadeNode" at a ground level otherwise the replacer actor will spawn wherever the "Node" is.

This means that if you place the FX to play at an X# of the Dead actors Z axis, the replacer actor will spawn at that Z axis height.

There is also the option to make it an "FX Activator", but this needs some knowledge of some external programs.

3) The replacer actor must have the same FX playing as the 1st actor, so that it can't be distinguished easily.

In order for the replacer actor to not spawn somewhere else you need to move him not to the "Actor A" but to the "FX" that is playing (#2) at the "Actor A" position/location. Here is where the "FadeNode" plays significant role.

4) Your script should handle each element autonomously.

a- Place #2

b- Place #3

c- Remove #1

* This is the only simplest way to do this.

There is a way to do this very precise and flawlessly, but things becomes way too complicated.

Edited by maxarturo
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