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Request speech animation remover


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So today I got sick of installing mods to remove the annoying and repetitive things NPCs and followers say and I just turned voices to 0 and enabled subtitles. I started a new character and forgot to switch the difficulty from master, and all of a sudden I was playing Morrowind! It was amazing! Nothing I have done has rejuvenated the game for me as much as this small change.


I'm pretty keen to carry on with this, but the speech animations bug me. Having everyone's mouths moving and no sound coming out makes it seem as though my character is deaf. I've been searching for a couple hours now and the only solution for this I've found is to delete voices.bsa, but when I did this it stopped NPC's from talking to each other, and broke the start. It probably breaks other things too.


So I need a mod, but I have no experience with modding of any sort, and my computer literacy is at best average. Could someone help me? I would make this myself if I knew how.


PS: On the advice of someone from chat I tried adding bEnableLipLookup=1 to the main section of my skyrimprefs.ini but it had no effect. I am prepared to do the work for this myself if someone will tell me how. I don't even know where to begin when it comes to modding, but it seems like it would be a pretty simple change to make for someone that knows how skyrim works. Removing voices.bsa from skrim.ini gives the effect I want, but it has the side effect of stopping NPCs talking to each other, and stopping them heckling... sorry "greeting" the player. So it seems like the voices.bsa line in the .ini tells the game to load the voices file... which I assume is called voices.bsa. So it seems what I need to do is find voices.bsa and remove the part about lips moving... yeah I need HELP! HELP from someone with a clue what they are doing, because I don't have one!


PPS: Okay so I found voices.bsa but I can't get it to open because my computer doesn't have a program for .bsa files. I tried copying it to desktop, changing it to .txt and opening it that way but notepad wouldn't even try to open a file this big, and wordpad soiled itself and stopped responding.


PPPS: Okay so I found a program (BSA Browser) that opens .bsa files and I've had a look at voices.bsa. I don't think this is where I need to be at all, it just seems to be a... directory of some kind, full of locations of individual dialogue files. I've officially hit a brick wall, I have no idea how to continue trying to make this change.

Edited by SigdisGaulderson
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