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Modding Request: Starbridge (EV: Nova)


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I know from experience that I'm a mediocre modder, and that I am absolutely hapless when it comes to 3d modelling.


There is, however, a game I used to play called EV: Nova, a space sim in some ways similar to the X-Series, only isolinear. In that game is perhaps one of the most beautiful sci-fi ships designs I have ever seen, called the Starbridge. I realized that in X4, it would be a spectacular ship for managing a private economic empire, much like the Albion Skunk in X: Rebirth.


The Website: https://evn.fandom.com/wiki/Starbridge

Please note that there are multiple, and distinct looking variants for reference.


I was wondering if someone with a better knack for modding would be interested in creating A starbridge mod, OR a ship design closely related to it?


of note, if you wish to copy exactly:


1, The 2 engines vector up and down independently, much like the Nova's engines. They also have jet like turbines built behind the engines that glow bluish-white hot that grows brighter the harder the engines are running.


2, Note that there is a 'fin' between the engines that in EV: Nova was supposed to be a thorium based reactor. (Easily visible on the images for the 'Mod' Starbridge image page)


3, There's no official image that I've ever seen showing underside of the ship, so you can let your imagination go wild there. Presumably it's also where the bridge is.


4, There's no official internal shots, either, but TBH, I'd love to have a ship to 'live' in. More to see than just a cockpit, if you will. (And for the sake of immersion, even astronauts need to eat/sleep/avoid boredom/use the 'fresher).

Edited by Hyperion500
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