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anyone want to make a mod with me?


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So i want to make a small mod based off of enclave commander. But bigger and better. Id like to retexture and model the categories to army, marines, etc amd give them modern weapons. Also give them a funtioning base that u can controll what happens in it or a town even. For a quest line i thought it would be great if it was based on either taking over the other factions. Or maybe make a survival mod and put zombies into the world and the base is the safe house provided by your chosen military. U can save people and invite them to live at ur base building a town slowly and retaking the wastes making safezones. If your interested in maybe trying to help make one of these thatd be great just leave a msg or pm me (:
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Just posted yesterday about a mod I was thinking about that was pretty similar to that one. If you like my Idea, we could join forces and create one togather.

My mod description


just a few things first:

1.I am new to modding in fallout

2.Made bunch of mods in other games and not new to scripting or modding in general

3.Have some basic\standart knowledge in php and c++, so scripting wont be hard to learn.

4.I am a Graphic designer


What do you say?

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