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Bring Back the Floaters!!!


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"So when G.E.C.K. comes back will any talented modder be interested in bringing back the Floater from FO 1 and 2? I'm not even sure why it was left out if Centaurs were in this one. And Mantis, Aliens, Tribals, Tribes, and Random encounters would be fun too.


But seriously, Floaters were always more dangerous then the Centaurs at least for me I don't know why they weren't included.

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Ya events that would only occur during quick travel so people have to do both!


I wholeheartedly agree that fast travel should have random encounters. This was a staple of both Fallout 1 and 2. Also, floaters... hate them. I hate them with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. Someone please put them in Fallout 3 so I can kill them. Thanks.

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I would be very pleased to see all of the other Fallout creatures back in Fallout 3:



Spore plant


Pig Rat

Giant Rat


Raiders are boring, and variety is more fun.


Regarding the difficulty in adding creatures, one thing I would probably do is forego the dismemberment for some creatures, since that seems to add a lot of complexity.


So anyway, yes - Floaters! Great idea.


Encounters in fast travel would be welcome too, although that could be a separate mod request.

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