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hey there, i was wondering if you could make a mod for me plz.


Its a quest, can you put in it a huge castle where you have to travel very far to get there and when you get there inside the castle there will be a an army of skeleton or if possible this guy here http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/samanosuke-akechi/oni-31.jpg and at the end of the castle you find Lord Nobunaga Oda http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/samanosuke-akechi/nobunaga1.jpghttp://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/samanosuke-akechi/sw2-nobunaga1.jpghttp://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/samanosuke-akechi/NobunagaOda-main_Full1.jpg and can you make him very srong like extramly strong almost un-defetable and when you kill him he will have a key on him that will open a chest with the armor of Samanosuke Akechi from Onimusha (heres some pic)http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/samanosuke-akechi/o3-s131.jpghttp://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/samanosuke-akechi/ps2_onimusha05121055_screen0271.jpghttp://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/samanosuke-akechi/o3-s021.jpghttp://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/samanosuke-akechi/o3-s081.jpghttp://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/samanosuke-akechi/kaneshiro_takeshi_onimusha_081.jpg heres his sword (he has 2) (ill tell name later)http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/samanosuke-akechi/onimusha_sword_sm21.jpg


and i know that Nobunaga's armor is heavy and Samanosuke's is light but can you make them both heavy cause heavy its my mayor class and Samanosuke's armor be 12 pts stronger than deadric, and can you also add the Oni gauntlet (thats the thing in his arm and have a ball that blinks and can be red blue or aqua, your choice) and Nobunaga's be 3 pts stronger than Samanosuke's.


And thats about it :thanks: i really apreciated (sorry for the english)


P.S can you try not using OBSE cause i dont know how to install it. :thanks:


Very interesting mod ok i'll work on it but this may take a while ok first do you want the castle in its own world lanscape or in cyroiil? next the thing about the key and akechi do you want akechi to pop out and become an ally or do you want it to open up the character creation menu making him playable?

the castle design do you want it to be like Honouji Temple in Onimusha 3?


Ok first the castle make it on its own world just in case the bordless cyrodil mod wont work and i want to use Samanosuke (sa main character, not ally) and yes i want the castle to be like Honouji Temple in Onimusha 3.


Do you need the name of the sword or not and if you know about Onimusha can you also put in the Raizan, and Shiipu (the one of wind. Only if you know about Onimusha cause this pics are imposible to find) and :thanks: for everythin

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Hi Sephiron,


Could you recolor one robe for me? Its the 'green robe' with shoulder pads and strap that goes across the body (will post a screenie when i get home).


Any chance of making me a blue / dark blue one?


Also, I've been looking for a mod that adds 'light' staffs with a toggleable on/off function - just wanna be able to walk around with my staff out but not always emitting light.


Would really make my game that much more to my ideal portrayal if my current character.

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I understand animation is not your specialty, but would you be willing to try making an animation for the many cloak and wing mods out there? There are some fantastic items out there that only lose their appeal (to me at least) because they are a stiff as cardboard. If you'd like a specific example of what I'd like animated, see Alexanders Wings, specifically the dragon wings. I would like to see them given idle animations and be synced with the character. If you've ever played Warcraft III The Frozen Throne (not World of Warcraft), looking at the Illidan model from the campaign mode would give you a good idea at what I am looking for.


Good luck!


P.S. In case it wasn't clear, if making a cloak animation is too much, just an animation of Alexander's dragon wings would suit my needs fine.

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I understand animation is not your specialty, but would you be willing to try making an animation for the many cloak and wing mods out there? There are some fantastic items out there that only lose their appeal (to me at least) because they are a stiff as cardboard. If you'd like a specific example of what I'd like animated, see Alexanders Wings, specifically the dragon wings. I would like to see them given idle animations and be synced with the character. If you've ever played Warcraft III The Frozen Throne (not World of Warcraft), looking at the Illidan model from the campaign mode would give you a good idea at what I am looking for.


Good luck!


P.S. In case it wasn't clear, if making a cloak animation is too much, just an animation of Alexander's dragon wings would suit my needs fine.


I'm not sure if i could do those anims but there is someone called OWASephiroth he is the one who did sephs hand to hand combat and those mocap anims but i heard he is taking a break from modding but! he has a brother taking his place if you want anims i think you can ask him the thing is i am not sure what his user name on the forums is but the probability of him using the prefix OWA is a high possibilty i am not sure he will do requests but its worth a try asking right.

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