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i want to stop smoking


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well, like they say life is based on your choices, and it depends on you.

we have someone that smokes at the age of 12 in our school, and he was my best friend for 2 years, but then when he started smoking, all the sudden he becomes annoying, irritating, vulgar and needless to say, the F score of the class (actually 8\20 in iran). well this cigar can make you look cool but it won't make you hot (the other meaning lol.) and it annoys the older (maybe even younger) people around you. it also makes everybody think that you are another pityless victim of your mind's Deception. so defeat your thoughts and be a man!

the other temporal effect of the cigar is mentally. so when you smoke your mind gets effected by the nicotine and you will be mentally unhealthy.

another effect is that it alters your DNA system, so if you get the damned cancer (for god's sake I hope not) it will be transferred to your child under the circumstances of 99/9%, so if you Don't want to have a child with cancer, for his/her sake stop smoking!


one funny thing is: if you ever saw a villian-Hero movie, the bad guy Always smokes! but the good guy eats Mac'n cheese instead!!! you really don't want to be the bad guy now would you?


I suggest that:

if you are smoking 1 pack a day turn it slowly down from 1 pack to half a pack, then to 1/3 of a pack, then to a quarter and at last 2 cigars a day, then after a month or so turn the 2 smokes into 1 and go on for a month with this, finally stop smoking.

like "bben" put a gum pack instead of a cigar pack where You used to put your cigars. start eating gum.


one of my father's friend quite smoking for 6 years with this method, but broke the rules last night by smoking yet another... Cigar.(a shame I know)


ONE THING:if you just happen to wuit smoking, DON'T turn into Drinks! they might be even worse!


I hope that you stop smoking that curse,

and stop right now.




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