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Simple War Horn


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A simple war horn that can be used to create a sound. No extras, no special effects.



Mostly for RP purposes, also who doesn't want a really cool war horn?! :pirate:


No, really:

Many years ago, when playing Oldrim, I stumbled across this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64191?tab=description. I liked the idea of being able to use the power/shout button to make my character pull out a war horn and blow it. The sound used is same as the one heard when when Mirmulnir attacks. It was perfect! You'd sneak up on a bandit camp with your raiding party, blow your horn and attack! The downside was that the mod did more than this. It had all these extras that I just wasn't interested in. I started to look around for another mod and discovered the various bard mods, music mods and even a horse mod where the horn was used. Trouble is, none of them gave me what I was looking for; they all came with extras too.


So, what do you want:

I'd like a simple mod that allows me to acquire* a war horn. I'd like to either use the war horn as a power (preferred) or activated via the menu in the same way one would use the tent that comes with Campfire. I'd like the war horn to be Torygg's War Horn in appearance and use the horn sound from the Mirmulnir scene. I'd like the mod to do nothing more than that. No extras, no buffs etc. If the author wanted to expand their mod to have the horn buff allies or something, please could you include my request as either the main or an optional mod. Please and thank you.


*Could be acquired through console commands, a chest, placed in the world, as a regular store item etc.


I'd endorse and donate via PayPal to the creator without a thought for this simple mod to add to my game's immersion. Thank you for reading!

Edited by BenofSkyrim
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