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Creating a lich's phylactery


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I suspect that the answer is "No", but I'm going to ask the question anyway:

Is there any way, via Papyrus or anything else, for me to add an enchantment to a player's list of known enchantments when an event is triggered?


The context is that I'm creating a mod for all the necromancers out there who seek immortality, but for whatever reason don't want to become vampires. Specifically, I'm adding the ability for the player to make themselves into a lich. Part of this process is to create the phylactery and then bind their soul to it. What I want to do is make the phylactery craftable at the Forge (that part's easy enough, I've added recipes before), and then have the player take it to an Arcane Enchanter to put the enchantment on it, but I don't want them to have to find a lich and steal their phylactery to learn how to do that -- instead I'd like for them to read a book to learn how to do it.


In case this isn't possible, does anyone have any suggestions for how to accomplish this second part in an interesting, lore-friendly-as-possible way? I may just have to skip this part and go straight to the spell that does the final transformation, I just thought it would be more interesting if the player had to "prime" the phylactery before they could use it.

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