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Huge monsters, with weight effect, realistic.


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Please. Could someone make a good mod that add big (very big) monsters that can be killed (but with some difficulty) and re spawn every 7 days?. There is a mod called "World Bosses" but it is 38Kb. This one doesn't work for me, and I have monster mod v11 installed. I think this is a fake mod. Only 38Kb?? Please, any good modder that could make this mod please. Thanks.


Some Ideas.

-There are many places in skyrim that could a monster be located: the see, mountains, even in Blackreach (like World Bosses mod).


-Monsters can be killed but they are pretty hard to kill. They don't kill you in one shoot.


-Monster have realistic movement. Weight effect: more weight means slow movements.




Attached the "World bosses" mod. Please if it work for you replay me, Thanks

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