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Some more quest requests


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Hello everyone, I realize that this may be a rehash of some already discussed topics but bear with me for some more ideas. I enjoyed Oblivion and really liked the guilds, which while not having any real impact on the main quest, gave you some really cool items and places to rest. These are some similar ideas for Fallout 3. (This is a pretty long thread so sorry in advance).


1. My first idea is to resolve the BOS quest – or rather the lack of one. You have two Brotherhood factions, both with opposing viewpoints and purposes. One is strictly a technology hoarder, the other paladins of the wasteland. I would imagine that there were some hurt feelings between the two groups when one splintered off, so why not have the two groups begin a sort of Cold War-esque battle – ambush of patrols, perhaps small general battles. I realize the numbers are limited, but there is no set number for either group – there may be 10,000 BOS personnel at the Citadel and 2,000 Outcasts – I don’t think that it is an unreasonable assumption. Eventually, the PC would get involved with this – the Outcasts would want to use you to scavenge weapons and armor so as to support their heavily depleted numbers and supplies (making their quest make sense). The Citadel BOS would want to use for a similar purpose, perhaps even to sabotage the Outcasts so as to have them be forced to go back into the fold (this would make the “bring me pre-war books” quest make sense because this would allow the Citadel BOS to act superior by saying that they are gathering more knowledge than the other guys). I don’t know how many quests could be added to this but you should rise in rank from initiate onwards until you become a high rank in the group. Towards the end of the quest, you could have a choice of either allowing the two groups to reconcile, or have them stay even further apart – you could also chose to eliminate one group or the other, although that is a potential game breaker – perhaps a solution would be the introduction of a virus into the BOS water supply that severely weakens them or kills most, but allows the MQ characters to be the only ones not dead because of character shield, i.e. they only drink bottled water. When it is all completed, I hope it would make you feel that you are truly a part of the BOS. In the end of the MQ, when Sarah Lyons adds you to the Lyons Pride, it would feel more like an actual accomplishment if you incrementally increase in rank from some private in the army to elite soldier rather than just some poor shmuck who becomes an honorary member and is about to get killed. After becoming either the Outcast or Citadel BOS member there should be several more quests to bulk up either side with visual changes – for example a “bring me some scrap metal” quest changes the citadel from an aging building that looks like a supermutant can just barrel through the nearest window into a fully armored fortress. Electronic equipment can be used to assemble turrets, weapons and armor can be used to build up their supplies.


2. My second idea is about a White House do-over. In vanilla-FO3 it’s just a hole in the ground with some Ghouls running around. I remember watching several movies that mentioned vast underground tunnels in between buildings and secret underground nuclear reactors underneath the important building of Washington, D.C. What I propose is that with war looming in between the U.S. and China, a vault was constructed to house the President and all his support staff far underneath the White House. This vault was there in the event that they didn’t have enough time to reach other vaults or support areas. I remember watching an episode of the West Wing where it was said that there is about 11,000 people working the White House – I would imagine that this vault would be immense but also partially incomplete (perhaps the main computer and reactors are offline). Since there is no real nuclear damage to the White House, I imagine it wasn’t hit with a missile directly, so there was plenty of time for the President and his staff to evacuate and the vault was never used. So even after investigating the area and finding no trace of this Presidential Vault, perhaps while investigating the national archives, the PC could find out the location and on second try find a vault all to for the PC. The PC would then go around the wasteland finding people to live in and use the vault. A further quest could be about restoring some broken components by visiting all the vaults in the wasteland and bringing back some part or other – with the exception of Vault 101 of course. At the end of this quest, there would be guards patrolling the vault, a doctor to heal you, and suppliers to buy stuff from as well as other stuff. Of course, this vault would have an armory, R&D department, and a fully functional computer network that would allow you to have a log or something as well as your very own quarters that make the Tenpenny and Megaton apartment and house look like a closet. Furthermore, you can act superior to everyone else by being able to say that “I live in the White House” even if those other people are just in your head ;D .


3. This last idea (at least for now) is based off of the ghoul that wants to destroy the world and uses a satellite to try and launch nuclear weapons on the wasteland. In Van Buren, there was supposed to be a scientist who wants to destroy the world and rebuild it in his own image – so why not have a similar quest, where the ghoul is part of a ghoul cult that wants to destroy everything that isn’t ghoul. This would tie in somehow with Roy and the Tenpenny Tower quest (allowing you to end that smug male without a father after his takeover without losing karma) and some more similar sub-quests would end with an assault on the ghoul cult fortress. At the end you can chose to destroy the fortress or rehabilitate the ghouls making you the ghoul king. This would give you a perk that makes all the ghouls respect you and would make all formerly aggressive ghouls neutral towards you.



I know that these are perhaps not reasonable requests and that they may never be done – I would do it myself except that programming and construction looks like sand script to me. I left these quests sufficiently vague so that any modder can put their own spin on this. Thanks for reading and I hope someone can actually do them. :thanks:

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